About Me

About myself
People have their own ways of expressing themselves. Some will voice out, some enjoy shopping etc..Being an introverted person, I am more comfortable expressing myself with words and pictures.

My style
I feel that I am still learning and exploring photography and in writing. My belief is that every photograph tells a story and words complement the photograph. Hence I do not have a style that I call my own. Whenever I pick up my camera or my pen, the first thing that comes to my mind is: What message do I want to tell everyone? 

Singapore Flyer on a full moon night

My inspirations
My philosophy in life is that all things big or small are special; each has its own unique way of standing out and telling the world that they exist. Many things and people inspire me. If one looks hard enough, everything seems to be telling you something.

“…things big or small are special; each has its own way of standing out and telling the world that they exist…”

I am very grateful to my family, friends, the people I meet and my environment. Without them, I will not be here writing and sharing my works with you.
